EWS | 1993BE - 24th Annual Meeting of the European Charcot Foundation, 24-26/11/2016, BAVENO (Italy)

The ECF welcomes Prof. William (Bill) Carroll as new Board member. He is a consultant neurologist in the Department of Neurology and Neurophysiology at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Western Australia. Beside being the Chair of the Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia International Research Review Board, he is the first Vice President of the World Federation of Neurology, the foundation Vice President of the Pan-Asian Committee for Treatment and Research in MS (PACTRIMS) and a member of the steering committee of the International Progressive MS Alliance (IPMSA). Currently he is also the Asia Pacific editor of Multiple Slerosis Journal.
His principal research activity has been in demyelinating disease, both multiple sclerosis and of the biology of demyelination and remyelination in experimental optic neuropathy.

600 Onsite and Online Delegates participating at ECF's 24th Annual Meeting

Upcoming ECF Satellite Symposium at LACTRIMS

Record number of abstracts submitted for the 24th Annual Meeting

Follow the 24th Annual Meeting via the Live Stream*

The Scientific Program of the 24th Annual Meeting is final!