BET have scored a winner with The New Edition Story mini series without a doubt. It has given the channel its highest-rated premiere in five years, something which the industry gurus were not exactly expecting. BET was also the No. 1 social television network on Tuesday with top 20 trending topics on Twitter, including #BobbyBrown, #Betamac, #MikeBivins, #CandyGirl and #LukeJames. But it’s no surprise — it’s a well produced series with plenty of emotion and entertainment packed in.
The third and final part of the mini-series aired on the channel tonight and it did not disappoint. When the fans love a product like a biopic, you know you’ve done a very good job.
I need y'all to understand this is a TRUE STORY!!! All the New Edition members including Bobby Brown #Approved— Woody McClain (@WOODY_THEGREAT) January 25, 2017
Watch part 3 of the beautiful story of Ralph Tresvant, Bobby Brown, Ricky Bell, Michael Bivins, Ronnie DeVoe and Johnny Gill below.